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Home Brewed- Intro

So I’m sure we’ve all been there before. You know the moment you’re having a drink and realize this taste like shit. Yes ladies and gentlemen I am referring to the oldest beverage alcohol, the prize of the victorious and the prescription for whatever “ale’s” you. For centuries these tonics have serviced the world and it’s one of the few things many of us share a common interest in. You can be urban, “subourbon”, or rural we all enjoy a drink now and again some more than others right Justice Kavanaugh… I like beer too. Oh man I’m probably gonna catch hell for that joke but I just couldn't resist, I’ll admit I’m notoriously bad for catching low hanging fruit that for some may be considered a bit time sensitive. Back to my point though, one day I’m drinking and think to myself this taste like ass why don’t they make it you know not taste like shit? Why don't they make good beer? This eventually led me down a rabbit whole of thoughts till I somehow convinced myself getting involved in the alcohol industry was the best idea ever. I mean I always enjoyed drinking alcohol and always wanted to run my own business; F.Y.I. my only line of reasoning was alcohol will never go out of style, “Honestly  how hard could it be.” famous words of every idiot who thinks themselves a savant, but you know everyone who ever accomplished anything was pretty stupid for believing in themselves so why not give it a go. So now I’ve decided to embark on a foolish journey of crafting my own alcohol based beverages, and I figured why not let my ego takeover because obviously people give a shit what I’m doing in my free time so why not write a blog/ Journal so that people can keep up with me. In all seriousness though this will probably be one of the greatest experiences of my life I’m looking forward to learning the craft and maybe even helping others learn; and if learning how to craft your own brew isn't something you're interested in you can always just stick around to laugh at this inevitable shit show that will be my life now.


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